
Design Sprint

Turn ideas into viable products within one week

Through this collaborative and intensive pressure cooker, we compress months of work into a few days of effective creative collaboration. Perfect for solving problems, ideas for new products, or for improving an existing product.

What we can do for you
What you get

Within one week you get everything you need to start your next project with confidence.


Interactive Prototype

Receive a fully interactive prototype, crafted and refined through real user testing, ensuring it meets actual user needs and expectations before development.


Validation on real users

We design an extensive solution architecture, defining how your tech should work, how it connects with external sources, and how it integrates with your existing digital landscape.


Actionable Gameplan

We compile a detailed report and develop a strategic gameplan with multiple scenarios to effectively bring your product to life, keeping your timeline and budget in mind.

Design Sprint Philosophy

A five-day pressure cooker designed to get you moving in the right direction.

The core philosophy of the Design Sprint is to fast-track innovation and decision-making that would traditionally take months, and condensing this into a single week. This approach prioritizes speed, focus, user-centric thinking, and cross-functional collaboration to solve complex challenges rapidly. By engaging key stakeholders and focusing on critical elements, Design Sprints enable teams to achieve more with less, avoiding over-analysis and endless iteration.

Turning Months of Work into One Week

Imagine compressing months of debate, exploration, and testing into just one week. That's the power of the Design Sprint. By dedicating a full week to moving through a structured innovation process, teams can sidestep the endless back-and-forth and get straight to actionable solutions. Delivering a tested prototype and clear insights into the solutions’s effectiveness, the Design Sprint allows teams to move quickly and make decisions with confidence.

Empowering Teams to Move Forward with Confidence

Design Sprints rapidly innovate through aligned and empowered teams. They harness diverse organizational expertise to tackle critical issues with urgency and purpose. Participants emerge energized with a clear, tested direction validated by user feedback. This accelerated process enhances team cohesion and commitment, propelling development forward.

How does it work

A well organized pressure cooker that helps you get from idea to action.

Day One
Understand and mapping

Day one is about laying the groundwork. We dive deep into understanding the problem at hand, exploring the landscape of the challenge, and defining the goals of the sprint. This involves gathering insights from stakeholders and synthesizing the collective knowledge of the team to pinpoint exactly what needs solving. The focus is on building a solid foundation of understanding that will guide the rest of the week’s activities.

Day Two
Ideation and planning

Day two shifts gears from understanding to creativity. It’s about generating a wide range of ideas without judgment or criticism. The goal is to think broadly and outside the box, leveraging the diverse perspectives of the sprint team. This brainstorming is structured to ensure that each voice is heard and that the session produces a rich array of concepts. By the end of the day, the room is filled with potential solutions ready for refinement.

Day One
Decision Making

On the third day, we focus. The team reviews the ideas generated and starts making critical decisions. Using structured techniques, we narrow down the options to the most promising solutions. This involves discussions, prioritization exercises, and sometimes tough choices. The outcome is a clear direction on which ideas to prototype, ensuring that the efforts of the next two days are well-targeted and based on consensus.

Day Four

The fourth day is all about turning ideas into a tangible form. The team develops a high-fidelity prototype that can be tested with real users. This isn’t about perfection—it’s about speed and practicality. The prototype needs to be good enough to evoke genuine reactions and insights from users, but it’s created quickly to maximize learning and efficiency. This day transforms theoretical solutions into real, testable products.

Day Five

The final day brings the sprint to its climax: testing the prototype with real users. This is where the team’s assumptions meet reality. Observing users interacting with the prototype provides critical feedback and insights, which are collected and analyzed. The results of these tests provide clear, actionable data that can guide the future direction of the project. This day is crucial for validating the week’s efforts and deciding on the next steps.

What we offer

An actionable plan to get your team moving in the right direction.

A tested prototype

A tested high-fidelity prototype designed to mimic real-world functionality, providing a tangible representation of your product based on the week's collaborative efforts.

User-test insights

Gain valuable insights from user testing sessions, highlighting user interactions, preferences, and areas for improvement, critical for refining and enhancing your product's design.

Clear path forward

Obtain a strategic roadmap detailing next steps, further iterations, and key recommendations to maintain momentum and guide your product's development post-sprint.

Team alignment and empowerment

Experience enhanced team cohesion and empowerment, with members from various disciplines united under a shared vision, ready to drive the project forward effectively.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who should participate in the Design Sprint?

A Design Sprint typically includes a cross-functional team: product managers, designers, developers, and executives. The key is diversity in expertise to cover all aspects of the problem.

What problems are best suited for a Design Sprint?

Design Sprints are ideal for when launching a new product, feature, or service that needs validation or when tackling big, complex problems where the solution is unclear.

How do I prepare for a Design Sprint?

We prepare by clearly defining the challenge, gathering relevant data, and ensuring all key stakeholders are available to participate fully throughout the week. We will help you organize all of this prior to the sprint.

What do we need to provide before starting?

Provide background materials, access to pertinent data, and any existing customer insights or prototypes. Ensuring decision-makers are available and committed is also crucial. We will help you prepare all this prior to the sprint.

Can the Design Sprint be conducted remotely?

Yes, Design Sprints can be effectively conducted remotely. We use digital tools to facilitate collaboration and communication, ensuring a productive environment.

What outcomes can we expect from a Design Sprint?

Expect a tested prototype, actionable insights from real user feedback, and a clear direction for next steps. This process accelerates decision-making and reduces development time.

$14,950.- all in

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Sprint today!

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Hidde Hovenkamp
Founder Pacmed

“Eli5’s rapid prototyping and user validation approach allowed us to bring our innovative healthcare solution, Pacmed, to life in record time. Their ability to turn our vision into a fully functional product in just a matter of weeks was nothing short of impressive.”

Bart Zirschky
Founder A-Insights

“Eli5 has built a great software application for A-Insights and their backend team has helped automating processes that streamlined our internal operations. Their user-centered approach has created a visually stunning and intuitive product for our customers.”

Eric Kickert
CEO Peecho

“Eli5’s design thinking approach helped us uncover the core of our business and turn it into a visually stunning, highly functional digital product that exceeded our expectations.”